About Us

Homesweet Homegrown is a woman-owned company based in Bucks County, Pennsylvania specializing in organic  fresh chili peppers, farm-to-bottle hot sauces, extracts, and more. We are dedicated to sustainability, regenerative organic practices, paying a living wage to our workers, and supporting local communities. 

In 2024, the owners of Pie Bird Farm took over from previous owners Robyn and Paul. They are thrilled to be continuing HSHG's tradition of providing unique, high quality organically grown peppers and pepper products on their 60-acre farm in Bucks County.

Look for additional pepper-centric products, sauces, merch and more to come later in 2025!



Our Roots
Homesweet Homegrown was started by Robyn Jasko and her husband Paul David. In 2013, they launched the highest selling hot sauce in Kickstarter history and created a national farm-to-bottle hot sauce company and one of the first Certified Organic chili pepper farms in the country. In 2021, Homesweet Homegrown became one of the first women-owned USDA Certified Organic specialty chili pepper farms in the United States!

As food innovators, they were a company of firsts---they were the first hot sauce company to use chia seeds instead of xanthum gum, they launched DOSE, the first microdose hot sauce, and in 2016, they launched the world's first Chili pepper CSA, shipping fresh peppers to people all over the country. In 2017, they opened HIVE cafe, the first organic restaurant in their town using local ingredients from family farms. And, in 2022, they launched a Homesweet Homegrown imprint, creating a line of modern homesteading books for adults and children (using 100% recycled paper, and printed in North America too;).

Robyn, Paul and their family were rooted in the community (they even started the community garden in their hometown!). They only hired community members (many are artists, musicians, veterans, parents, and families) who wanted to make a few extra dollars with a fun side hustle. They also hosted a weekly staff lunch and celebrate the end of harvest season at a local winery to toast the end of the year.  Happier pickers = happier peppers ;)


Hitting the Sauce: How an Organic Farm-to-Bottle Hot Sauce Company Began

In 2012, Robyn's first book, Homesweet Homegrown, illustrated by her friend Jennifer Biggs, was published on Microcosm Press and the two trekked around the country via Amtrak for an epic cross country book tour. Before they left, Robyn planted way too many habaneros, ghost pepper and lemon drop chili peppers in the Grow Indie test garden, and came back to hundreds of pounds of peppers, all begging to be made into hot sauce. She and her husband Paul happily obliged and started hitting the sauce.

They created three unique flavors of hot sauce featuring homegrown organic hot peppers and superfood ingredients like chia seeds and raw cacao, taking it above the typical grocery store hot sauce, for healthy, organic mix of flavor and heat featuring the real kick of habanero and ghost peppers (aka, bhut jalokia). Each bottle was free of additives, colors, GMOs, pesticides and preservatives and all farmed organically in Kutztown, PA.

Robyn and Paul grew some of the rarest peppers in the world, selling them to chefs, hot sauce makers, customers (and the occasional celebrity;) at our farm stand in Union Square in New York City and Brooklyn. Read more about their peppers and hot sauces in Edible Philly